Brand New Day

Lara's story of starting a small businessIn October 2008 I published my book Brand New Day – The Highs and Lows of Starting a Small Business.

I wrote Brand New Day in 3 weeks, following splitting up from my husband of 5 years, from diaries that I had kept – my Dad said keep a diary you never know you might want to write a book one day…..

Brand New Day is written in diary format with 2-3 entries and week in a no holds barred way and I also at the end of each month say how much money I have in the bank, how I am feeling and the number of staff I have.  I tried to be as honest as possible because I wanted others in small business to understand that there are challenges, mistakes and difficult things that happen in business and it’s not all easy peasy.

The book starts just as I am leaving a full time job that I hate and takes you through to 4 years later, the ups, downs and everything in between.  Over the years I made some expensive mistakes, 20 people left or were fired in year 1 for 3 roles, I learnt a lot about managing a team, launching and growing a business which I detail out for you.  I won the NSW Telstra Micro Business Award and was a finalist twice in The Telstra Yound Businesswoman award.

The book is to help open people’s eyes to small business – not just those working in a small business, but their partners, friends, family and more.

To buy your own copy please get in touch with me 🙂